Congratulations Katie Venters !!!!

You are the winner of the May is for Mamas Giveaway!! You should have heard from us by now, but if not, please email with your mailing address so we can get everything to you!

A HUGE heartfelt thank you to everyone who participated. If nothing else, I hope you were introduced to some amazing mamas who do incredible work and speak messages of hope and encouragement!

As I was spending time with the Lord this morning, praying over our nation, racism, white privilege, covid-19, and all the things heavy on my heart, I felt in my spirit one thing:

June 2020 is a turning point.

For good or for worse, it’s a turning point. I’m not saying everything will be fixed by the end of June. I don’t think it will be. I’m saying that things are coming to a head. Things are shifting. We are at the point where we have to choose fear or faith - it’s one or the other. The way things have been, or a new way.

When we go back to work, back to stores, back to restaurants.

When we face our white privilege, see our ignorance, see the riots and feel the heaviness - it’s forcing us into SOMETHING.

A shift.

It’s not easy, and it’s exposing a lot. So I’m inviting you to be part of the shift so we can steer this ship in a NEW direction. A better direction. Thinking practically about what I can do moving forward, I’ve committed to listen.


That’s my word for June. To listen to my brothers and sisters of color.

One podcast episode that was helpful for me to hear was my friend Shunta’s episode: What you can do about racism. It came out today - June 1 - and it was very timely and so incredibly helpful for me.

Another local pastor I admire greatly is releasing his new book: There’s a Storm Comin’ : How the American church can lead through times of racial crisis on June 10th. I’m hoping to read the whole thing this month.

That’s just the start. I want to just quiet myself, learn, and listen.

Here are the rest of my June goals:

June Goals

Finish reading Crucial Conversations
Read There’s a Storm Comin’ : How the American church can lead through times of racial crisis
Clean out the kids books and order The Skin I’m in, MLK Jr, and We’re different we’re the same
Order 2018 Family Year Book
Edit 2019 Photos (almost caught up!)
Celebrate 12 years of marriage with Will!


A Little About Me!


Organizing Your Photos : My Favorite Resources