236 - Being a Healthy Family with Ilana Muhlstein

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I’m so excited to welcome you back to another episode of “May is for Mamas” where every episode in the month of May is dedicated to mamas. Today, we are talking with an expert on health, nourishing ourselves, and how to change our families forever by taking care of our bodies with the food that we eat. I’m so excited for you to hear from Ilana Muhlstein. Now, if you’ve ever been part of the “Beach Body” program or heard of the “2B Mindset”, this is who created it. Guys, I’m geeking out. I don’t usually say “Yes” to people who I get random emails from in my inbox, but when I saw hers come thorough, I started geeking out because I personally have done “2B Mindset”, I’ve gone through her program (I’ve done it last year, I’m doing it now), I believe in it and it works. So I thought to share something that’s been so life changing for me with my listeners with Illana herself would be such a gift, especially in the month of May for “May is for Mamas.” So I’m so excited. She is a dietician, a nutritionist, and a best-selling author. Guys, at the age of 13, Ilana weighed over 200 pounds. Her story is so inspiring. She came up with this model that really works and I can say that honestly because it works for me. It is like a track to run on; so helpful. The conversation is going to be so great. I hope you enjoy this episode of “May is for Mamas” with Ilana Muhlstein.

For the full episode, hit play above.


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