055 - Book | Beginner's Pluck

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It's Nancy Ray Book Club week, which means I'm going to be talking about the book Beginner's Pluck by Liz Forkin Bohannon.

Let me just say, this book was so good. Rarely do I read words on a page that make me laugh out loud, but this happened almost every night that I read it before I fell asleep. To the point and that Will started joking with me about it, but I would just say, "No, no wait, you have to listen to this." And much to his delight, I'm sure right before we went to bed, I would proceed to read him two or three pages.

I'm highly recommending this one, friend.

If you don't know who Liz is, she's the founder of Sseko Designs, a socially conscious fashion brand, creating educational and economic opportunities for women around the globe. She's a wife and a mom and she's hilarious and delightful and this book will inspire you to build a life of purpose and passion and impact. It's going to be on my, “my daughters have to read this book” list.

I cannot wait to tell you about this book!

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